Proof Of Concept: The First Step To Implement Your Software Development Idea

By Shreya Viradiya

Published in Technology

Mar 07, 2023

6 mins read


A proof of concept (PoC) demonstrates whether the technology might serve the intended goal. To construct a good proof of concept, we must know what to anticipate. Continue reading to discover what a Proof of concept is, examples of it, what it should contain, and considerations to make when putting one of your ideas into practice.

A proof of concept can be crucial for anticipating, analyzing, and demonstrating your idea’s potential in software development, where everything is unpredictable.

You may experience situations as an entrepreneur or developer where you believe an outdated piece of software needs updating, or your business has to revise its approach to developing mobile applications. 

Even though you are sure of the feasibility of your idea, others might not agree with it or ignore it, making it seem like a needless expense.

You must therefore determine and assess your idea’s viability and feasibility if you want it to succeed. You require knowledge of the necessary infrastructure, finances, and technological advancements to put the idea into practice. Furthermore, you must convince business stakeholders and investors that your proposal is both desirable and technically possible.

What exactly is a PoC?

After the broad concept of the product is established, the first stage of software development is a proof of concept. A PoC strives to validate the project’s viability and confirm the concept’s viability as a whole. From a software development standpoint, the PoC aims to demonstrate the viability of both the business concept and the proposed product.

A correctly presented proof of concept helps entrepreneurs avoid expensive mistakes and makes it easier to draw in investors.

What distinguishes a Prototype, PoC, and MVP?

These terms may initially look similar and confusing if you are new to software development. They represent three different phases, even though they are all involved in the first stages of developing a new software product.

What distinguishes a prototype from a proof of concept may be on your mind. Despite the fact that these two names refer to two different stages of growth, they are frequently interchanged.

The first step is always proof of concept. Consider this as a Word document where you have a fully developed idea written down. After you have this proof that your idea is a worthwhile and necessary product, you go on to the next step.


The first, most elementary iteration of your software concept is called a prototype. It transforms the ideas from proof of concept into real products. Software wireframes serve as a nice illustration of this. A design mockup that enables you to picture the user flow and appearance of an upcoming app could serve as another example. In contrast to a PoC, a prototype places a greater emphasis on usability.

As an example, if your PoC described an idea for a hypothetical wedding planning app, your prototype could be a software demo that allowed you to browse through the app’s fundamental panels to get a better sense of what the finished product will look like.


The next stage after having a prototype is to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This is the most basic and condensed form of your software concept, yet it still has enough capabilities to be made available to the public for practical use. You may want to find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of developing an MVP, since they are a common topic in software development and have a lot of content surrounding them.

Why is a PoC necessary?

To save time and money rather than investing in a bad idea, a PoC is primarily built. A proof of concept aids in more accurate and better forecasting of costs and other resources, such as specialists.

The reason why many startups fail is that their goods need to be in demand.

Validating your original idea as early as possible is the first step to improving market fit. The PoC is the first place to see if your business idea can become successful. It is the foundation of your upcoming product.

Making a PoC could also have less optimistic results, such as making the concept impossible. At first glance, that is undoubtedly bad news, but there is another angle to consider. Early detection of a flawed notion helps the organization avoid wasting resources, and the team can then concentrate on another project. More time and money spent on a bad project won’t make it profitable.

How do you create a good PoC?

The above theoretical information is sufficient for now; let’s concentrate on the practical aspect of PoCs and see how to create an effective proof of concept.

  • Create your target audience

Without first establishing the target audience, it is impossible to create a successful PoC. The entire team needs to learn the solutions to issues like:

  • The product will be sold in what market?
  • Who is the target persona’s appearance?
  • How will the final user gain from the product?

The future product starts to come together when the team can assess and respond to these questions. The concept can now be contrasted with possible rivals currently on the market. Consider analyzing their products to improve your own. Consider how your idea might stand out and grab people’s attention while you analyze their products to improve yours.

  • How do you solve the problem faced by the target group?

The time has come to consider the required technology. This is also the time to decide if technical partner support is necessary. If so, you should be aware that the project’s success may be impacted by the team you choose.

  • Give it a try!

The initial PoC should be tested by “users”—in this case, coworkers who are not involved in the development process—after it has been completed. Employees who are not on the product team should thoroughly test the product. Without testing, it is impossible to know for sure whether the product satisfies the established requirements and user expectations.

  • Get knowledge and insight

Do not give up, even if the users’ comments are critical. It is a wonderful time to pivot and shift course. Make the required adjustments and keep trying until you succeed.

PoCs’ benefits for startups

Startups offer cutting-edge concepts; however, there are instances when it is ideal to launch new initiatives or the market is simply unprepared not the perfect moment to launch new initiatives or the market needs to prepare. Instead of wasting money on a product release that is too soon, it is preferable to take a brief break and conserve the money.

It is challenging to determine with certainty how scalable the product should be at the outset. Instead of investing in an unknown project that will undoubtedly take a long time and be expensive if a firm focuses on a large-scale product, investing in a PoC first offers more protection and validates the concept.

Another money-saving justification is that a PoC can help determine whether all the predefined features are required or if something is missing. As a result, the team won’t waste time in the future creating pointless components.


Proof of Concept is not a trend; instead, it should be viewed as a standard step in creating every product that validates the idea and determines whether investing time and resources is worthwhile. No one wants to waste money, regardless of how flexible their budget is. Spend money on quality PoC instead of saving the bees and honey for the next idea.


Shreya Viradiya

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